Monthly Archives: March 2015

Call it what you want . . .

. . . but it’s banting and it’s easy and it works.

2 minute microwave bread

1 egg

100 ml almond flour

2 tablespoons melted butter

pinch of salt

Mix and microwave for 2 minutes.

*Recipe from one of the Facebook Banting groups I belong to


I doubled the recipe and made 2 “buns”. This recipe seems to be very forgiving: I’ve taken a 3/4 cup of almond flour in the doubling process, only remembered the salt after the 1st one was already in the microwave.

For dinner, I cut each bun in half to make 4 thinner slices which I popped into the toaster. It toasts very nicely. They were then used as buns for homemade hamburger patties with cheese melted over.

*They slightly disintegrated around the hamburger when we tried to hold them as such, but overall a very nice “slice” if you feel like bread.






Posted by on March 24, 2015 in Cooking


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